September 2, 2018 Memories from Japan I took hundreds of pictures while in Japan, but this is are my favorites. Leaving for Tokyo out of Newark View of the Zen Garden Streets on Kyoto Main Gate of Tenryu-ji Inside Tenryu-ji Garden of Tenryu-ji Garden of Tenryu-ji Calligraphy at Tenryu-ji Daruma Tenryu-ji Tenryu-ji Tenryu-ji Toyohashi Watanabe San’s big brush Watanabe San’s big brush Amehata Suzuri Kensho-an museum Amehata Suzuri Kensho-an museum In the mountains of Yamanashi In the mountains of Yamanashi Amehata Suzuri Kensho-an museum Amehata Suzuri Kensho-an museum Amehata Suzuri Kensho-an museum Amehata Suzuri Kensho-an museum Amehata Suzuri Kensho-an museum In the mountains of Yamanashi Amehata Suzuri Kensho-an museum Amehata Suzuri Kensho-an museum Fujisan in the distance In the mountains of Yamanashi In the mountains of Yamanashi In the mountains of Yamanashi Tokyo. Bakery. Tesshu’s calligraphy Nihon Bashi Nihon Bashi Tokyo Tower Tokyo Tokyo at night Tokyo at night Bento box in the Shinkansen Breakfast. Tenryu-ji Tenryu-ji Tenryu-ji Tenryu-ji Daruma at Tenryu-ji Lunch Ramen in Kyoto Brush makers Calligraphy Brushmakers Calligraphy Yamanshi Yamanashi Yamanashi Carving suzuri Carving suzuri Tokyo Tokyo Sushi O-Toro Flipping okonomiyaki Eating okonomiyaki With folks from Kensho-An Heading back home Related